
Friday, November 2, 2018

What Has Happened.

I suppose now is as good of a time as any to return. It may seem like I have dropped off the face of the Earth, and to some extent I have. This has been for a myriad of personal and family reasons, as well as some professional woes, but seeing as how things have landed for the moment, I can begin to return to a work life balance and creating. It's  something that I missed more than I realized.

As I write this, I am now 31, sitting in the library, a cup of tea next to me on my day off from my nine-to-five, waiting for a meeting at my other job. The two job hustle seems to work, as after all I do love a good back up plan. In the intervening time since I was here last, I've gained and lost a few major jobs (admittedly not my fault as it was Toys R Us), survived two Christmas seasons there, with a few promotions on the way. Major changes in my family occurred, which threw me into some major depression, but they came to their unfortunate conclusion, and I'm grieving a little now and then and healing.

The Dream Grimoire, my pet project was out again this week for the Romero Lives! event. Lucha Libre wrestlers, fine arts, theater performances (myself included under that heading) and a side show performing metal band all came together to bring some joy on Halloween night. Especially given the events of Saturday last, this felt really important to do.

I've also had the opportunity to develop some programming for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, specifically creating an interactive immersive experience for children and young adults. Expedition: Antarctica now runs every weekend in a 65 seat theater. I'm truly proud of that accomplishment.

I can't make any guarantees (who can in this crazy world), but I'm going to try to be around more, see more, help more. I've been trying hard, but I need to try harder to be that change that I'm seeking. If nothing else, even if I try, something will be accomplished. Even as Bob Ross said "Anything that you try and you don't suceed, if you learn from it, it's not a failure." And so I'm going to try. 

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