
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spirit Guide: Zedekiah Spengler


Class VII Magical Practitioner

Also known as The Black Sheep

Zedekiah Spengler (1683?-1772?) was a wizard and practitioner of alchemy in the Massachusetts town of Nass Burg in the early to mid 18th century. He is most noted for his contributions to research on musical notation in regards to the alchemical sciences, especially in regards to summoning of spirits.

It is unknown where exactly Zedekiah received his training in the magical arts, but it is known that he had achieved some measure of proficiency by the early 1730’s. Due to his religious nature, it has been conjectured that he may have been involved in some sort of Talmudic of Kabalistic practices.  At this same time he also honed his musical abilities on the lute.

Both of these skill sets came into use in the spring of 1742 when the village well of Nass Burg ran dry. In an attempt to remedy the situation, Zedekiah wrote a spell to refill the well using a musically based incantation. The incantation worked, however not in the way that he intended, as instead of the well refilling, Zedekiah was able to conjure the Genius Loci (literally translated from the Latin as “Spirit of the Place”) from the vicinity. The Loci in this instance took the form of a winged dragon with green scales, as well as a horn. The dragon also featured a crest of spikes, as well as possessed an ability to spontaneously create fire by breathing.  According to Spengler’s journals, when the dragon was first summoned it was approximately the size of a horse.

It may be noted that despite the spirits fierce appearance, it actually had a personality akin more closely to that of a small child. This is noted in the journals when the spirit began to journey to neighboring farms, bringing pigs and goats to Spengler as gifts. This did not sit well with Zedekiah’s neighbors, and as a result he determined that it was necessary to return the Loci to its original plane.

It took several unsuccessful methods, but he was finally able to complete the task by re-arranging the notes of the original incantation, putting the dragon into a form of suspended animation. Once that was accomplished, he put the spirit down in the base of the well, capping it with a stone that read “Here lieth the Dragon, banished to sleep forever sayeth the conjurer Zedekiah Spengler A.D. 1742." Further research and excavations have shown that the spirit has indeed continued to grow in the time since it was entombed.

Following the incident with the Genius Loci, the details of Zedekiah Spengler’s life are mostly lost. It is known that he had three children with his wife, and that the majority of his descendants became involved in either the scientific or paranormal fields.  His journals, containing both his account of the encounter with the Genius Loci, as well as any other magical discoveries that he may have made, are held under lock and key at the Spengler family archive, with strict orders that the archive is to be destroyed following the death of the last member of the Spengler family line. Zedekiah Spengler is believed to be buried in the Jewish Cemetery at Nass Burg.

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